EXPLAINER: Continuing Resolutions Aren't Enough

The Congressional Progressive Caucus Center has just released Continuing Resolutions Aren’t Enough: Our Communities Can’t Wait. This explainer highlights the opportunity Congress has to increase non-defense discretionary spending with the expiration of the Budget Control Act (BCA) and the dangers of enacting a full-year continuing resolution (CR).

This year marks the first year since 2012 that appropriations will not be subject to discretionary spending caps under the BCA of 2011 and subsequent budget agreements. With the end of BCA, Congressional Democrats have proposed substantial increases for FY2022 domestic spending priorities.

With funding for the federal government set to expire on February 18th, Congress is currently considering a path forward for FY2022 appropriations. However, enacting a full-year CR would lock in spending levels enacted under the Trump administration to the detriment of our communities.

CPC Center